July 28, 2023
The Importance of Humidity Monitoring in the Healthcare Industry
Poor monitoring of humidity or temperature can cost some industries tens of billions every year as problems crop up. These are all avoidable losses, and in the world of healthcare could even lead to real dangers during the process of patient care. But what are these dangers, and what makes temperature and humidity monitoring so important? This
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January 12, 2023
The Benefits of a Wireless Temperature and Humidity Monitoring System
The thermostat was invented in 1885. This was one of the first inventions that could control the temperature of the air. Since then, there have been many other innovations in this type of technology. Today, there are many options for temperature and humidity monitoring. This makes it easier to maintain very particular climates. This is important
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November 9, 2021
Temperature and Humidity Monitoring in the Pharmaceutical Industry
There are over 26,000 drug store businesses and pharmacies in the US. The growth of these businesses has been 3% in 2021, and the states where the most pharmacies are present are California, New York, and Texas. Something that pharmacy business owners have to consider when storing their medications is temperature and humidity monitoring. The same goes
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March 5, 2020
Maintaining Laboratory Temperature and Humidity
When doing precision work, any alteration to the environment, the equipment, or the samples can have cascading effects. Even seasoned veterans run into issues in explaining if their results are possibly contaminated. To do the best laboratory work, one needs to be able to reasonably rely on their results. These are some of the reasons that
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February 8, 2019
Temperatures and Medical Cannabis Growing: From Seedling to Harvest
The marijuana industry created an estimated $34 billion economic impact in 2018. Legal sales of marijuana are expected to increase from $10 billion in 2018 to $20 billion by 2022, according to the Marijuana Business Fact Book. This means that more and more legal growers (under strict governmental regulations) will be on the American horizon seeking the best indoor
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October 29, 2018
How to Maintain Optimal Laboratory Temperature and Humidity
This quick guide will help you understand the requirements around maintaining optimal laboratory temperatures and humidity. We’ll also go over the processes for maintaining optimal temperatures in the lab. More than 7 billion lab tests happen in the United States each year. Whether a lab handles a large percentage or a tiny fraction, accurate results are always
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