February 8, 2019

Temperatures and Medical Cannabis Growing: From Seedling to Harvest

The marijuana industry created an estimated $34 billion economic impact in 2018. Legal sales of marijuana are expected to increase from $10 billion in 2018 to $20 billion by 2022, according to the Marijuana Business Fact Book. This means that more and more legal growers (under strict governmental regulations) will be on the American horizon seeking the best indoor growing practices. Temperature and humidity monitoring are essential for growing healthy cannabis plants throughout the entire life of the plant…seedling to harvest.

What’s the Difference Between Temperatures and Humidity Levels?

Temperature and humidity levels interact and are very similar and are closely related to one another. Humidity is the measure of how much humidity is actually being held in the air. Relative humidity (RH) which is one way to measure humidity levels, is how much water is in the air compared to the maximum amount of water that can be held in the air at that temperature. The premise is that warm air holds more water vapor than cold air so it is important to get the warmest air in the environment. It is necessary to extract the warmest air from the growing environment while allowing cool air to enter. The warm air alone has way too much vapor for ideal growing conditions.

Horticulturalists know that the key to success in any growing plant is understanding the lifecycle of the plant. This is also true with growing cannabis. Throughout every stage of growth, cannabis plants will have a constant need for water which the amounts will fluctuate with the humidity. When the humidity is high, plants use their leaves to absorb moisture from the air which results in less water drawn from their roots. On the other hand, when the humidity is low, cannabis plants will take more water through their roots.

Monitoring and having the right humidity encourages strong, healthy, nutrient-dense leafy plants with optimal growth.

Humidity levels must be monitored to prevent:

1.  Bud Mold/Rot:  A condition when the inside of the plant is taken over by mold. When this happens the buds are unusable.

2. White Powder Mildew: White Powder Mildew (WPM) is a rapidly reproducing fungal disease resulting in a white powder or mildew covering the plant. If caught early enough, it can be prevented, if not the plant will become unusable.

3.  Nutrient Problems: If a cannabis plant takes in too many nutrients at once the leaves will turn yellow and the tips will look burnt, called nutrient burn or nute burn.

4.  Slowed Growth:  If humidity levels are not optimal for the growth stage, they don’t grow as fast as they could. Younger cannabis plants grow better in higher humidity than more mature plants.

So, the next question is how do you measure the ideal levels?

Cannabis Temperature Monitoring In All Stages of Growth

There are four stages or periods of cannabis growing, all requiring different temperature and humidity levels. They are seedling, vegetation, flowering, and late flowering. Experts recommend monitoring levels throughout all four stages using a digital thermometer and a digital hygrometer that include a memory feature so history can be reviewed.  The four stages and what they require are:

1.  Seedling Stage: Seedlings or clones, little cut-off pieces from a parent plant that needs to develop roots, require high humidity levels between 65 and 70 percent. These high humidity levels are needed because the root system is not established and humidity allows water intake through the plants’ leaves. Young growing cannabis plants prefer temperatures between 75 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Anything above 80 degrees Fahrenheit is not recommended.

2.  Vegetation Period: This is the stage that cannabis starts developing its renowned leaf shape. It is important to note that light exposure is a very important part of this stage. The number of humidity levels should be lowered by five percent each week throughout the vegetation period. The temperature can be increased, too because roots absorb more water and evaporate through the plants’ leaves. Humidity levels should be before 40 and 70 percent. If wet spots are forming on the leaves, humidity levels are too high.

3.  Flowering Plants:  The humidity levels of cannabis plants at the beginning of the flowering stage should be lowered to 40 to 50 percent. At this stage, the plants have created a robust root system to meet their water needs. They still absorb water through the leaves. A lower humidity level is required to prevent mold and mildew from forming. Note that mold and mildew infect the plant from the inside the buds, so it isn’t visible at first.

4.  Late Flowering Period: This period lasts anywhere between six and 12 weeks and when plants mature. During this time careful temperature and humidity monitoring are necessary. It is recommended that humidity levels be lowered between 30 and 40 percent to improve the yield, flavor, and appearance of the plant. Temperatures can range between 70 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit.

Tips To Adjust Temperature and Humidity for Cannabis Growing

It can be difficult to keep humidity and temperature levels at the right balance throughout the plants’ life cycle. Keep in mind that warm air retains more water than cold air and that relative humidity and temperature interact to create the perfect balance. The following are hands-on tips for adjusting these levels but note that there is technology available in the SaaS Cloud that will wirelessly do the work for you.

Tips to Lower Humidity and Temperature:

  1. Increase fresh, cool air in the growing area
  2. Water plants right when lights are turned on in the growing area
  3. Add a dehumidifier to regulate humidity in the growing area

Tips to Increase Humidity and Temperature

  1. Keep the soil surface moist
  2. Surround the room with moist towels and open containers of water
  3. Use a humidifier to constantly add moisture to the room

It is difficult to be present for the entire life cycle of a cannabis plant. There are more innovative and technological methods for monitoring temperature and humidity levels. Contact SensoScientific for a free trial and to learn more about the most advanced wireless monitoring solution available for cannabis temperature monitoring.

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