May 24, 2023
The Benefits of Real-Time Environmental Monitoring
Some industries lose tens of billions each year because they cannot watch or control the temperature in their stock. This is only one fraction of the problem as a whole, though, as environmental monitoring is useful across many industries. If you work in one of these, how can such technology help you have the best results and what other benefits
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March 15, 2023
How Pharmacy Temperature Monitoring Systems Can Improve Productivity
Recent statistics reveal that the United States has 27,849 pharmacies and drug stores. Pharmacies play a pivotal role in healthcare, dispensing medications to the public. While some medication is to heal an ailment, others are a matter of life and death. Pharmacies ensure that the right person gets the right medicine when needed. They are responsible for
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September 2, 2022
CDC Digital Data Logger Requirements
According to the CDC, recent statistics reveal how many children have eight important vaccination doses by the age of 24 months. The highest percentages are among doses for MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella), Hepatitis B, and Chickenpox or Varicella, with over 90% of children 24 months and under who have it. A digital data logger is
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April 4, 2022
All You Need to Know About Commercial Freezer Temperature Monitoring Alarms With WiFi
The pharmaceutical industry loses $35 billion every year due to temperature-control failures. Losses include damaged products, invalidated clinical trial data, and the costs of root-cause analysis. Many of these losses are avoidable with an effective temperature monitoring system. Temperature monitoring systems track interior temperature, humidity, and pressure levels within cooled storage. The best systems utilize alarms, which empower
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October 15, 2021
Pharmacy Temperature Monitoring: How Does It Work?
The precision that’s necessary for hospitals is truly amazing. Every area, every wing, and every room needs to conform to the utmost sanitary and environmental standards. Aspects like lighting, airflow, and temperature all need to be taken into account to make sure patients are receiving the best care possible. All of these factors are vital
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September 20, 2021
The Benefits of Remote Temperature Monitoring Systems
Remote temperature monitoring systems made headlines last year during the COVID-19 vaccine rollouts. The Pfizer vaccine requires a cold storage temperature of -70C, while the Moderna vaccine must be stored at -20C. Understandably, there were many logistical concerns to work out when manufacturing, shipping, and storing these vaccines. Meanwhile, in the restaurant industry, 85% of food safety
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August 17, 2021
A Guide to Laboratory Temperature Monitoring
Achieving and maintaining proper temperature in a laboratory is not as simple as it seems. Remote temperature monitoring systems made headlines last year during the COVID-19 vaccine rollouts. The Pfizer vaccine requires a cold storage temperature of -70C. You must store the Moderna vaccine at -20C. There were many logistical concerns to work out when
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July 15, 2021
How Often Should Your Temperature Monitoring System Be Inspected?
Imagine this: you’ve walked into work on Monday morning. You’re completing your routine checklist and – oh no – the medical fridge is out. You haven’t been at work all weekend, and all of your stock is ruined from a fried temperature monitoring system. Who could’ve seen this coming? What are you going to do
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June 2, 2021
Is Your Vaccine Temperature Monitoring Up-to-Date?
If vaccines are not stored at the right temperature, they do not work effectively. Vaccines are delicate, requiring specific conditions to maintain efficacy. And consistency is essential. Vaccines must be stored at the correct temperature. This is the case from the moment of manufacture to the instant of administration. But how can we assure that vaccines
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February 25, 2021
The Importance of Vaccine Temperature Monitoring in 2021
Vaccine temperature monitoring is crucial when it comes to storing any vaccine. Storing the vaccine properly protects its ultimate potency. Think about it this way, nobody wants a vaccine that doesn’t have full capability. COVID-19 is rampant in America. It is important now more than ever to make sure that all vaccines are in their
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